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Get To Know Shaun Cunneen

Welcome to SWAN GROUP Questions – the inside scoop on the members of the Swan Group and what’s happening in their lives. Each letter in SWAN GROUP reveals a piece of information about them.

Get to know Shaun Cunneen, the Operations Manager at Swan Brothers. Shaun's been apart of Swan Brothers for more than 20 years, so he's practically a legend here.

Shaun’s daily jobs include ordering fertiliser and maintaining fertiliser stock and coordinating workers and clients for jobs and fertiliser applications.

Check out Shaun's answers to SWAN GROUP Questions!

S – If you could Swap jobs with anyone on the team for a day, who would it be and why?

Probably one of the spreader drivers because it would be nice to go back to what I used to do and there is less stress.

W – Who deserves the Workplace MVP this month?

Luke Medlow because of his knowledge of all the businesses and areas within the Swan Group. He knows the numbers for everything and everyone. He is always up to date with where everyone’s at.

A – If you had an Anthem, what song would it be?

Open Your eyes by Guano Apes or something from Metallica.

N – What is the Nuttiest thing that happened this month?

Coming back to work after 5 weeks holiday.

G – If you were Given the opportunity to have dinner with someone famous who would it be and why?

Rex Hunt because he is the fishing God.

R – What’s the most Ridiculous item on your bucket list?

Most of my bucket list items are sane but probably sky diving would be the most ridiculous item.

O – If our team was stranded in the Outback, who would be the survival expert and why?

Jack Kluske because he is a no-nonsense person, he would have a crack at everything, has good leadership experience and he is good at making tough calls.

U – What’s an Unforgettable moment you’ve had in your career?

My 20 years anniversary surprise dinner at Freshies was quite a big deal to me.

P – If our team had a Production what would the title be and who would play you?

The title would be Bogged, and my son Archer would play me.

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